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Interested in Thermage FLX? With this information you are well prepared.

Are you looking for an effective way to firm and rejuvenate your skin without surgery? Then the Thermage FLX treatment might be the solution you are looking for! We are happy to tell you how you can best prepare yourself for choosing Thermage FLX and the treatment itself.

Step 1: Do your research

Before considering Thermage FLX treatment, it is crucial to do your research. Make sure you choose a licensed and experienced specialist who is skilled in performing this procedure. Read reviews, ask for recommendations and take the time to ask questions during the consultation.

Thermage FLX: 5 real experiences
Many people have positive experiences with Thermage FLX. Thermage FLX is a non-invasive treatment that uses radio frequency…
Our specialist Jens Wismahr: Thermage® FLX expert
As a Thermage user from the very beginning, he has 20 years of experience with Thermage. He completed his training as a clinical expert in the US….

Step 2: Schedule a Consultation

Make an appointment for an extensive consultation with your chosen skin therapist. During this consultation, the specialist will assess your skin and discuss the feasibility of the Thermage FLX treatment. This is also the time to express any questions or concerns.

Step 3: Discuss your Goals and Expectations

During the consultation it is essential to discuss your goals and expectations. Tell your specialist what you want to achieve with the treatment, whether it is skin tightening, wrinkle reduction or general rejuvenation. This will help tailor treatment to your specific needs.

Step 4: Follow your specialist’s instructions

Your specialist will give you specific instructions to prepare for the Thermage FLX treatment. This may include avoiding certain skin care products, medications, or blood thinners. Be sure to follow these directions carefully to ensure optimal results and safety.

Jens Wismahr
Jens Wismahr

Step 5: Hydrate and Stay Healthy

It is always important to stay well hydrated and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet and avoid excessive sun exposure to keep your skin in top condition.

Step 6: Don’t be alarmed by possible side effects

Although Thermage FLX is generally considered safe, some temporary side effects may occur, such as redness, swelling, or mild pain. If you experience these, don’t be alarmed; your specialist will advise you on how to deal with this.

Step 7: Enjoy the Results

After your Thermage FLX treatment, you will gradually notice improvements in your skin texture and tone. The full effect can last for several months. Don’t forget to make regular follow-up appointments to continue your skin rejuvenation journey.

Now you are well prepared to approach your Thermage FLX treatment with confidence. Remember that a healthy lifestyle and following your skin therapist’s instructions are crucial to achieving the best results. If you have any further questions or are interested in this treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your dream of tight and radiant skin is within reach!

Interested? Schedule a free consultation

Are you interested in the possibilities and results of a Thermage FLX treatment? Schedule a free consultation and discuss the options with a specialist.


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